Friday, January 29, 2010

Article Three

This article is a comprehensive review of Apple's new Tablet PC, the Ipad. Apple is trying to expand it's reach past the the popular Macbook and Ipod to offer customers a completely new type of computing experience. The media feels this will be such a success because it will revoltionize the way people buy things online. It will be able to provide users, for a small fee, access to thousands of books and online literature similar to Amazon's Kindle. The article also explains that some people do see the Ipad as a technological breakthrough, but not neccesarily groundbreaking. Another huge argument is the damage print media will take. With print media already facing serious downturn, the Ipad might finally sink the ship.

I'm in the group of people who feel the Ipad, although a technological wonder, has some serious issues and flaws that may be overlooked. I feel as though people in today's society race to buy anything with an Apple logo without knowing anything about how it works. As I stated, there are some serious flaws with this new Mac that people will not see as they are tearing them off the shelves. For starters, there are going to be no usb ports on the system. This means that one cannot plug anything external into the computer. I feel as though this is just a ploy to make people have to buy more Apps and online materials, but who knows for sure. Also, there is a serious problem with the amount of Ram and Hard Drive space these have. I think Apple is giving people a misguided idea that this is a full encompassing computer when truly other than the size and functionally it works no different than the Ipod Touch or Iphone.

Another article, posted here is also in the group of people who aren't crazy about the Ipad. The author of the article states that, "I think this is kind of a waste right now, especially for people who already have iPhones and iPod Touches, because it does the same things." He does go on in the article to explain why the Ipad might be useful. He claims could be "great for high school students and textbooks" and "e-reading capabilities". He does admit perhaps his expections were too high, however he feels Apple could have done a lot more with this tablet and failed to deliver.

Does apple really need to establish a dominant piece of machinery to sell the product like crazy? you put a lower case i in front of most anything in society today and it sells. Steve Jobs knows he doesn't necesarrily have to create a groundbreaking item for him to make a high profit. I'll admit, my views are somewhat biased because I have and always will be a PC person outside the Ipod. I've never understood why people are so in love with the Apple product when they hardly use anything on it. It honestly seems having the latest Apple product is more a trend setter than with consumer. One can only be "in" with the technology crowd if they are chatting with people on the iPhone, listening to music on the iPod touch, and now reading books on the iPad. Oh, the power a half eaten apple and a lower case i has on our society.

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