Thursday, February 11, 2010

Article Five

This article discusses what the title refers to as "generation text". The writer states that he has a nineteen year old daughter who he tried contacting via phone and email, and finally text her and immediately got a response. The rest of the article discusses the specifics of text messaging, namely how many texts are sent on average per teenager. He talks about how phone conversations and face to face interactions are becoming a dying form of communication. He makes a great point in saying that while the phone took fifty years to reach fifty million users, while myspace and facebook took four and two years respectively. The writer finishes the article by stating that this may be not be all bad however. He understands that this new way of communication is a way of life and may help kids in their technological futures.

Even as a twenty year old kid, I completely understand the frustrations and argument the writer is representing here. I am a dying breed of youth that really dislikes text messaging. Sure, it is nice to ask a friend a quick question and not have to worry about getting into a long conversation. It also can really help if I know my girlfriend or relatives are in a position to not be able to hold a phone conversation and I need to get a hold of them. But to me, that's where text messaging should end. from a strictly physical standpoint, my fingers get very tired from typing on my mini keyboard. It also gets very tiring when someone is trying to explain to me a situation which in no way can be expressed via text.

I came across this article, that states over 50% percent of breakups happen via text messages. I would call this incredible and unbelievable, but in today's society it doesn't surprise me at all. It really puts home what the CNN writer was trying to say about today's generation. We are afraid to have face to face or physical conversation so we revert to using our thumbs. I know the times I've had to call it off with a girl I would of never considered using text messaging. That seems so degrading to the person that they aren't even worth the time to talk in person.

But what am I supposed to do other than give in? I know for a fact that the only way I can contact half the people in my phone book is through text message. I've tried calling them several times, and ten minutes later I will get a response not by phone, but by text. It seems incredible to me that my own close friends don't call me back, but that is what our society. Sure sometimes it may be more "convenient" but that doesn't mean that's how we should talk. . It won't be much longer till people will be teaching exercises for one's thumbs as to not strain them while texting. I just can't wait to see what inevitably takes over text messaging as the next way to avoid the old phone call. It really bothers me, but everyone has to accept we are becoming a text messaging society.

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