Sunday, April 4, 2010

Article Eleven

This article talks about the U.S. Navy trying to create a remote control plane that could shoot data beams instead of actual attacks. According to the report, the navy expects to spend around $400 million dollars over the next eight years to try and accomplish this feat. The practical uses could include jamming an enemy's radar signal, or cut of communications of a buildings. This plane would be a completely unmanned aircraft vessel controlled by remote control at a central command base. There would be a defensive weapons system on the plate as well. The use of nanotechnology would be vital to recognize distinct radio and wave signals as well as antenna signals. The Navy cites that this airplane is currently only in the planning phase and still needs approval from other government outlets before the construction begins.

This is such an interesting piece of technology that would be amazing for use in the wars of the future. Imagine a plane that would be able to shut down communications and jam computers. Ground forces would be able to gain a strategic advantage before having to risk their lives invading a building or area. It's simply amazing that we have come this far in society today. Not only can we use this in war, but the fact that it will be unmanned is so great to save lives. I really hope that this idea gets pushed through and the project gets completed. A lot of times sadly these great ideas do even get approval yet never get finished due to lack of resources of man power. If the Navy decides to stick this one out and put it into production for use in future wars.

A lot of the time I see people talking about how the government wastes money on projects like this. This really frustrates me and makes me realize that people are ignorant to the world around. We are arguably the most technologically advanced country in the world, and in order for that to stay this way we have to be on the cutting edge of technology. If we do not spend the necessary funds to stay on top of the game, another country will gain the edge over us. I think Americans take for granted the fact we have never been truly invaded by another country on our mainland. This is largely due to the fact that we have spent the money to create a defense system that is cutting edge. Without this defense, who knows what could possibly happen to the America we all live in.,15240,212940,00.html

this article is a direct link from the military discussing the specifics on how the airplane would function and its uses again. It goes into good detail on the exact radar technology that would be used and each step of the production throughout the eight year process. The director of the process told the reporter that this type of technology is slowly becoming vital to warfare of the future. Without these types of technologies America could fall behind and be susceptible to attack. Although people may disagree that this money is being spent inappropriately, its obvious to me that this type of advanced digital fighting is necessary for our country.

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