Sunday, April 11, 2010

Article Twelve

This article talks about the new programs that NASA is trying to get into production for 2011. The NASA programs will center on commercial manned rockets and technology for deep space exploration. However, The new plan for NASA does not specify a long-range target for exploration. This new program will cancel out President Bush's previous plan, Constellation, which will result in thousands of lost jobs. Under this new fiscal plan, roughly $6 billion more dollars will be put into NASA research and development. This is somewhat controversial given the current state of the economy, but president Barack Obama feels it is vital for NASA research to go on stronger than ever.

I am on the fence when it comes to money being spent of space exploration. On the one hand, I realize there are many vital reasons to explore space. Understanding how space works helps us to predict patterns of behavior for Earth. Also, knowing about the distant planets and the solar system is very important to know for our future. There is also an obvious need for things such as satellites and defense systems. However, the other half of me wonders how much money is going to waste on programs that mean nothing for Earth. The most recent thing that comes to my mind is the project NASA implemented to try and find water on Mars. The cost of the project was roughly $450 million dollars. I do realize understanding the composition of other planets is important, but was this completely necessary? It certainly seems to me that our society has much more pressing needs than seeing if there water vapor on a distant planet.

I know a lot of people would argue with me that $450 million in an economy such as United States is not a whole lot, but think how many times similar money has been used on such projects. I'd guess billions upon billions of dollars have been pumped into programs that probably weren't needed. This money could be used to fuel failing government programs that need more assistance. Maybe I don't understand how important some things NASA do are, but it seems to me that the money could be a lot better spent in America

This article puts into better perspective the cost of the new policy broken down into more specific. It also talks more about how the new program will completely eliminate many of Bush's prior programs which will cost thousands of jobs. Looking through the costs, I see many many things that from an outsider view look superfluous. I suppose I will always wonder if only that money were used differently how it could affect society differently.

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